Thursday, November 22, 2012


Poor little baby, lost to Parvo,
but loved none the less.
You were loved Remo!
You were wanted little boy!
Run free and be healthy!!


Also gone before most of us could try and rescue you,
you were loved Jimbo!  You were wanted!
Run free young man!!


Such a sweet looking little guy, we weren't able to save
you either Guthrie.
You were loved!  You were wanted!
Run free Guthrie!


 Another sweet one, gone before a Code Red list,
we couldn't save you Elton..
You were loved! You were wanted!
Run free, sweet Elton!


Gone before the Code Red list, we missed getting to fight
for a furever home for you.
You were loved!  You were wanted!
Run free Eli!


Not the best picture of you Baby, we know you were scared
in that noisy shelter, and that you didn't understand what was happening.
You were loved though!  You were wanted!
Run free, sweet Baby!


Last one for this evening's group,
sweet little Doris was rescued last week but tested positive
for heartworms and became "dog aggressive" before we could get you
out.  You were loved!  You were wanted!
Run free and be happy and healthy young lady!
You will be missed!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Poor little Nixon, so beautiful, so sweet in the video.
You were animal aggressive towards bigger dogs though
and we weren't able to save you.
You were loved!  You were wanted!!
Run free big boy, there is no more animal aggression
on your side now.  Only fun and friendship.
You will love your friends who are with you.
Be a good boy! Run free young man!
Click here for Nixon's video..


Black dogs are supposedly overlooked, even though
you all are notoriously smart, loving animals!
We loved you Jeff!
We wanted you young man!!
Run free sweet boy!!


Poor Dirk, you were an ACD - Pit mix and we know that
it's harder for a Pit to be rescued.
You were a beautiful young man!
You were loved!
You were wanted!
You are free!
Run free, sweet Dirk!!


Seven short months wasn't enough time for you here on earth,
you were gone way too soon.
You were loved Bic!  You were wanted!
Run free young man!


Peyton was injured in an attack by another dog,
but recovered from his wounds.  Looking at the love in that
smile?  I would say that he never lost his spark and love for life
and all those who were in it with him.
You were loved by many!
You were wanted!!
You are free!
Run free young man!!
I will give you my friend Beth who we lost a short time ago.
Beth loved dogs.  Beth needs a dog to help her wait until she is reunited
with her babies who are still with us.
You will love her, she's full of spark, and a love for life.
She might even make you dance if you forget to bring the ball back when
she throws it for you.  Please forgive her and love her if she tells you
that you have to do the Macarena for her to throw it again.
Just tell her she's silly, and you would rather have a cookie!

Heavy Hearts.. So many joined us tonight..

After a long, hard, emotional, heartbreaking and frustrating turn of events, there were so many pups who could have joined this blog.  Through the hard work and dedication of shelter staff and volunteers and people from the facebook sites, the list was shortened considerably.  Still, even one lost pup hurts.  Especially those who were still sooo young.  Anyway, everything considered, we will stoically trudge on, working to save those still at the shelter.  We will live to fight another day.  Our pups will live on here, even if we weren't able to save them there.
Lets work together to keep them off this page.
Even though they will never again know pain, abuse, neglect, illness, suffering,
they will never again experience a cold, unforgiving, harsh environment
that deprives them of the love, hugs, kisses, toys, treats, and comfort of people,
we still wish they weren't here.
Since we have new additions today, we wish them well on their new
furever home, one that we know will be warm, comforting, filled with love
and affection, one that will be filled with fun and frolic,
one that will be filled with toys, treats, food and friendship.
And, now.  Our new friends.

Wanted - Hunter Hayes

Ok.  Stretching just a little bit, just imagine paws instead of hands.
Caught this song on the way home last night and wanted our precious
pups to know just how much they were wanted.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Such a gorgeous, precious young life,
we loved you!  We wanted you!
You are free!
You will never be caged again!


Such a sweet face, such a sweet young girl!
You are loved!  You were wanted!
You are free!
Run and play young lady!


Such a sweet young man, gone before we could help you out..
You are loved!  You were wanted!
You are free!  Run free Frank!


Sweet little girl, we lost you before we could save you..
You were so loved, you were so wanted!
You are free!
Run free young lady!
You will never be scared, you will never be alone,
you will never be stressed!
Click here to watch Joy in her wiggly, happy moments..


Our friend Jango, you loved us while you were here..
We loved you too!  We wanted you too!
You are free young man!!
Run free!

Click the link below to watch Jango in action..


We thought we lost you, and lost a day to save you..
We found you alive, and still couldn't rescue you..
You were wanted!  You are loved!
You are free our Lucky friend..
Run free young man!!


Such a sweet young lady,
gone before we could help you..
You were wanted!  You are loved!!
You are free!
Run free and frolic!!


My spouse's nickname namesake..
You were taken so quietly that we might not have noticed..
You were there one moment and gone the next..
You are free!  You are loved!  You were wanted!
Run free young man!!


Such a gorgeous young man!
You were loved!
You were wanted!
Those eyes will only see good things now!!
Run free young man!!


Our sweet old friend Beto, you will forever live on
safe, sound, and free from illness.
You were loved!
You were wanted!
Run free our young man!!


RIP little Horton Hears A Hoo..
Sweet little baby, run free!
You are loved!
You will never be forgotten!